Bigger boxes like this one and even bigger ones are really good for squishy things. And these are good things to pack two weeks out. You might as well because you're probably not going to be...



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So when implementing interior design into the modern space there are some no-fail rules that we all kind of go by. The first one is always that you want a really nice sofa and you want clean lines....
So furniture placement is really tricky, but especially when you have an elongated rectangular room, because this gives you an opportunity more than it gives you the challenge. Most people think like,...
My name is Abby Jones and I'm talking about things that can make the process of moving into your new apartment easy and efficient. And, right now we're talking about placing furniture,...
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(Image source: Microsoft) BY JIM FLINK After eight long years, it's here. Microsoft has unveiled the Xbox One:  The company's new flagship entertainment device.  So long XBox 360....
So your bookshelves are definitely a place that you can look for knick knacks and things that you're not going to be needing for the next two weeks. So I can find a couple of knick knacks like...
Although I said not to mix items from different rooms and put them in one box I'm going to make an exception to that rule for my knick knacks. I don't have a ton of knick knacks around...
PAUL SAXMAN: Welcome, everybody, to our talk on building second screen apps that integrate with Google TV. My name is Paul Saxman, and I'm a senior developer advocate at Google on the Google...