Whenever i read books from all over the world i see some of really deep examples of law of nature. I tried my best to educate our community by giving these examples on TV. I can understand not...
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji kee fateh! I'm not sure where that comes from, basically if you did google of Sikhi you'd find straight away that Sikhs don't believe in color...
Guru ka langar is basically just a kind of free food for all regardless of caste, colour, creed, sex, anything. It's a great way to kind of just put the principles of equality, sharing what...
Love does not ask a single question it is not in its nature that thought doesn’t even occur. It does not even exist. Why? Because I love. There are stories about, the classics stories about lovers...
These days when we see youngsters from Punjab, we see they have become more westernized or 'yanky', who seems to be influenced by Americans or Hollywood. Bollywood too pushes our...
Story of Turban I'm Turban I might be just a few yards of cloth but I'm identified by self-respect and honour My story is centuries old... There is probably no other human costume...
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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Today i will talk about the Sikh students Who come to study a board in Countries like Canada, Australia New Zealand, etc The main problem with the Sikh Guys...
We all are living a life full of illusions and our mission is search for happiness Hey you know big bro.. today i had a dream and i made 200 runs yeahhhhhh oh you surely would had done cheating then...
I now request the Minister of Communications & IT, Shri Kapil Sibal, to please release the postage stamp... (Applause) (Applause) Thank you Sir. (Applause) (Applause) It is most appropriate...