Hi! My name is Dawn Shannon, owner of Intuition Salon & Spa. I am also a hairstylist and you can visit us on the web at www.intuitionsalonandspa.com. Today we are going to talk about hair...
Let's take a look at an installation that's ready to be removed. This is a Doctored Locks brand tape hair and it's been placed in with a sandwich-style installation, which...
TH E F RE >> C al le r: Y ES . YE S. MY H US BA ND A YO UR P RO DU CT S, >> A LL R IG HT . YO U GO , GI R TH E WH OL E F AM OK AY . >> T HA NK Y OU F O TW O...
Another technique is you can braid the hair on first and then start wrapping cause some people have really short hair and we can create the look with adding the hair end. So no matter what the length...
Hi, my name is Lauren and I'm going to discuss how to style very short hair. Short hair is a little bit easier to style in the morning. You can do a little bit more of a trendier, messier look...



Oh, hey guys. You caught me just about to do a short haircut. So I though I'd share it with you. My name is Sylvia Russell, and today I'm going to show you how you can choose the best...
Hi, I'm Amelia, and I'm going to talk to you about different ways to style your short hair. Short hair is actually a lot more versatile than people think. Unless it's like an...
Hi and welcome to The Hair Studio. My name is Sylvia Russell, and I want to share with you some tips on how to style short hair. Now listen first things first a great hair cut is going to give you the...