Lyon hits me like an electroshock, making me forget everything for a while. I threw myself into a desperate search for an apartment without even being able to put three French words together. I search...
Months go by quickly and almost without having the time to realize it; here I am, in Italy again, in the 400 inhabitants’ village where I’ve grown up. Lyon already seems a far away dream, with its...
Biologia Resumo para o Enem - Células: Membrana Professor: Rubens Oda Nesse módulo, falaremos sobre as estruturas mais importantes da célula, sua origem, sua evolução e funcionamento. Os principais...
Today we're gonna talk about money our beliefs about money is what limits money from flowing into our experience Money in and of itself is not good or bad it's a tool just like a...
a bizarre our raid happening in New York City on the Upper West Side almond here's the story so the Axtell development company in the big developer and they're building a building...
His name is Andreas Winkelman, and he is 48. He has lived alone for a while in this house on an island out at sea. The roof has long been in disrepair, and after the autumn rains, it started leaking...
Hello, in this video I show you how to make an origami heart book separator Material letter size sheet and scissors make a small square following these steps take the sheet and fold in half, then cut...
Sorry, Camila told me I could come in Yes, sure. Come in. Thank you. She’s worried about you. So am I. Are you feeling better? Yes, sorry about everything that happened during the day. No apologies...



Mom, I don’t know. Maybe we come back at five or six in the afternoon. It’s the same for me. I ask at what time we’re coming back and I’m ruining it It’s okay, we can come back at any time. At the...