Senate bill immigration

The sad reality is that I can tell you and I can show you places in this country where crops are not being raised or crops are not being harvested because we simply don't have sufficient...
A federal judge has ruled the most controversial part of Arizona’s immigration bill SB1070 could go into effect within weeks. Critics say it will spark racial profiling. Here’s KTVK. “2(B), the...
there was a tea party sponsored stop amnesty rally against immigration reform on Monday don't you love that I mean they're doing a stop amnesty rally but nobody's calling for...
cell number two chorus our past speaking out of the devastating at twenty nine oklahoma we have oklahoma senators tom coburn and what's the state's i'm not in that hot develop...
speaking of of gun legislation florida republican markle rubio admits that he has an even read the gun control bill that he opposes how does he know to oppose it let's try to figure that out...
someone on the other big issues and by the way folks you're listening to take action news on we act radio special thanks to everybody listening to us in washington in Chicago or affiliated...
Governor, any, any discussions with the GOP on the Emergency Medical Care and are you considering any executive action on the subject? Well, Commissioner (Lucinda) Jessen is I think had some very...
♪ Now get it straight, we didn't risk ♪ ♪ our lives to assimilate ♪ ♪ We came to work and fill and breakfast lunch ♪ ♪ and dinner plates I'm in your state, ♪ ♪ but my own culture I...
so there's a new senate bipartisan immigration bill and we have some of the details of that bill that'll now share with you guys let's go over the good parts of the bill...
well i i'm actually not as upset about the voting rights really as someone who you are saying that because it is your some waiting illegal hat that i've ever with their purpose...