Almost everyone has concerns about their body. When I met with Sam the other day, he'd mentioned he was kind of self-conscious about his weight and also about his skin. Natalie Fobes: So it...
You've got to work 24/7, every year of your life and never give up really because at times the going gets so bad and so horrible and unbelievably difficult and that's why people my age...
[TRENTON DOYLE HANCOCK: REAL BIOGRAPHY] [Houston, Texas, June 2002] In this image here, we have Mound #1, "The Legend," being attacked by Vegans, who are the bad guys. And what...
Thank you very much. We wanted this to be intimate, but there are a good number of people here. For all sorts of reasons we're not going to tour through the exhibition literally, although we...
GP: I think these Punch pieces are the first pieces of your work that really stuck in my mind because they really appealed to me because they were very much about Britishness somehow. Would you say...
in nineteen ninety nine collapsed with the suspected aneurysm in the brain and i found myself in an operating table watching on the monitor the inside of my brain real time uncertain at this place...
My name is Carrie Rebora Barratt. I'm associate director for collections and admininstration, and some of my favorite works of art in the Museum are self-portraits of artists. There just seems...
In 2011 I decided to do a painting of Jack I called it 'My Jack', he was sitting on our verandah and I had a lot of time with him and the light of it was, was good. Unfortunate...he...
Hey, Welcome back. This is Glen Cornish with Expert Village. We've been talking a lot about how to make your videos look professional. Now, we're going to talk about lighting. Let me...