L.I.F.E. Oops! Mom, come and have breakfast! Mom? Good Morning! Good Morning! Let´s go to school? Where´s your mom? Get your bag! Did you have breakfast? What did you have? Cereals! What else? That´s...



The day that Moreira took vacations Please dad, tell me one more story ok son, ok i will tell you a story Thanks dad, thanks ( laught ) let me remember, it was something like that I was very young and...



Física Alfredo Sotto Ótica Geométrica: Princípios Básicos Na aula de hoje vamos olhar a ótica geométrica.Vamos ver os instrumentos que utilizam a propagação retilínea da luz. A ótica geométrica vai...
Take my life, my body, my hands, my feet, my lips, my all in all a living sacrifice for You. We're going to be judged by the things that we have done in our body, every thought we've...