Arthroscopic management of glenoid dysplasia. This is a patient with extensive posterior and superior labrum tearing, and you can see on his x rays, the boney glenoid tilts significantly posteriorly....
Can we imagine a world without smart phones? Obviously the answer is no! This is the age of smart phones but not feasible that this Smartphone on your life and your health, and your community Smart...
Is there anybody who hasn't done anything so far today who would like to try and operate the dynamo? Craig, you were the first hand so you come up here. And Harry said, I don't know if...



OK, guys, bring your chairs around the front, please. Now, if we go on a journey... 0, we don't understand it. 10, we fully understand it. Let's get some full understanding as to how...



[music] Hi I'm chris harper and with me is Makayla and we're here to demonstrate an application for inner knee pain. This is when you have pain at the inner and lower portion of the...
The Education Minister, Hekia Parata, met with the National Maori Secondary Teachers Association and gave them a few lessons of her own. Ngahuia Wade was there. It's the first time the...



Important movie stuff. Open road Berd LD Entertainment (In a southern accent) A once in a lifetime inspiring story event By JACK LONDON I work security protecting men from bla bla bla bla bla...
I get asked a lot from patients whether or not they should be using the bike at the gym, and specifically, whether they should use the recumbent bike, which is the bike that has the back rest and...
Small Business Awards: Chris Hurn's acceptance speech I want to say thanks to Eunice and Veronica and whoever else is on this mysterious panel. I appreciate this. This is actually my 3rd time...
The Maori Party Council will discuss their agreement with Hone Harawira after he slammed them by saying they broke the agreement by contesting the Te Tai Tokerau seat at the next election. Jasmyn...

