When I was growing up, I wanted to do Letterman and I loved that live, in-studio model. I still would do something like that.
I've always been fascinated with radio and broadcasting. I did fake radio shows as a kid, where I was a DJ and stuff like that.
That's one of the benefits of working with a smaller network like IFC. You're awarded more trust, but trust that I really earned.
If you look at Earwolf, we've tried to have a really diverse stable of hosts. Even my show can get a little 'dudey' sometimes.
I think you're a better comedian when you're in the moment and you're kind of reacting to what's happening like a real person instead of doing rote memorization.
I came to one of the first Comic Cons in 1985, when it was just people trading back issues of comic books.
Doing the podcast, the whole reason to do it is just because I can do whatever I want.
Comedy is really best when watched with other people, and I don't really understand people who sit at home watching comedy movies on Netflix.
The best sketch shows are from a group of tight-knit people who've worked together for a really long time.
The big problem in translating is that we had to translate the language. People may not know that we record the podcast in Japanese, translate it to English and then actors play us on the podcast. I'm...