Working on 'Comedy Bang Bang,' we're there from 10-7, and that's a pretty light day compared to most other TV shows. Other shows, it's like 10-10.
I came into the 'Comedy Bang! Bang!' TV show with a level of confidence that I don't think I would've had if I hadn't been doing the podcast for three years already. I certainly had to figure out in...
I'm not the type of guy who's funny in the room. I'm the guy who's funny late at night on a computer, trying to construct jokes.
What I love about comedy is breaking down the barrier between the audience and the performer.
I have new bodyguards ever since I got a TV show. I didn't know, but it's a lot like becoming president. They tell you every single secret, like who shot JFK. When you have a TV show, they not only...
I'm probably doing puns more than anything in my life.
I get inspired when I look at Tom Lennon, who did 'Reno 911!' for six seasons while writing huge movies and directing and also doing other pilots; he did that FX pilot, the 'Star Trek' thing.
After I did 'Mr. Show,' I was basically just a writer for a while. I was really young, and I kinda was like, ,wow, I'm 27 and I was already on this iconic show, and now I can just coast. But no one...
I guess when I was a kid I wasn't the type of person playing a lot of pranks. I was the type of person upon whom pranks were pulled.
There's definitely something about the structure of 'Caddyshack' that is unique that no one has ever been able to achieve since then.