My work is really on the history of American education with a... special focus on the history of African-American education and my work in the area of the history of education I think was shaped by...
So I'm about to go visit Michael Alig in prison. I'm really nervous, I um, have been dreaming about this day from the moment that I laid eyes on him. I'm a fan, just like...
Folks, I'm goin' down to St. James Infirmary, See my baby there; She's stretched out on a long, white table, She's so sweet, so cold, so fair. Let her go, let her go,...



The New South Wales government has unveiled a radical solution to the water crisis. It plans to tap into an abandoned reservoir under the city. $95 million will be spent on a state-of-the-art water...
Corey: We are en route to Fort St. James to shoot a video portion for the First Nations Health council video. Dan: We're really looking forward to thisshoot. We like to learn and we like story...
TAKE OFF FOR VINEXPO Village of Saint-Emilion We do something special during Vinexpo... In less than 10 minutes, our best customers are taken, from a place, where it's a little hot and where...
Hi I'm Rhett and I am on your floor! So we're gonna go visit the thirteenth floor of Sleeper to figure out what makes is all girl floor tick. It is a long way up. So, what makes the...
Review by John Bow - Merlin lookalike celebrity guests London Model Network’s Robert De Niro Catwalk Show at the AURA club in St James St. was a phenomenal success. An array...
Robert De Niro (Enclosure Catwalk Show) - Presentation by London Model Network Organise by London Model Network Event planning and host by See Li Presenter by Kirian singh...
[wind howling] [electronic blip] [Cover Girl playing] [medley of Glamazon and Drag Race Theme playing] [music slows] - ♪ GERONIMO, GERONIMO ♪ ♪ THEY'RE FALLING LIKE THEY'RE DOMINOS ♪...