The Spy Sleeping (Gendo mutters) [Everithing is going according to the scenario] [Yui... we'll meet soon] Design drawings of Eva! [The most important is that Eva drawings have not to be...
When Angels attack, NERV answers with frenzy ('Ugar' is russian for 'frenzy', while 'udar' is for 'strike') When Angels attack, NERV...
Tears are falling... Tears are dropping... Tears are falling... Tears are dropping... Tears of happiness... Shirogane & Human Society Fighting Attack by Unsafe Sex present Mommy has bought a...
Then,let's start. The belif of Bolshevik is a way filled up with thorns. Grab my hands,Wangyao. My little Bolshevik,You have nothing to warry about as long as I am here. You can't...
Family Reunion Why did you call for me? I think, you've already understood. But it's the first time I see this machine, and you want me to pilot it and fight this creature on the...
[loud footsteps and giggling] Hi guys! / Hi!! Know who we are? / Bet you don't! Hm, you ain't that cool, huh? I'm Mel! / And I'm Bel! We're the awesomest...
I don't know how long our photoset is going Smb is ready somebody is Stas Ok Gamzee teeth falls of Somebody wasn't ready with make-up fix horns Somebody is Arishka. Arishka has a lot...
-Hello, you are watching "Illuminator" ("Porthole") episode 5! -And your hosts are - Nikolai Tereshkin and Eugene "Indi" Mozhaev. -In this...
There was an old village quite far from the court In which lived a young sorceress, precociously wise. She knew how to cure any sickness or spell, Turn one's luck around, and failure keep...
i would like to show you whats in a set of Trinary Laser Gloves version two point oh They come in this carrying bag it's a nice little bag inside the bag is a set of gloves and four of these...