Hi it's Nicole Pearl founder of theBeautyGirl.com and I have some of the biggest spring trends for you. The first is really about bare, natural skin we saw this all over the runways and to own...
home done said 10 employees that name my nail aren't male Inc apple red media rank marine the top one is from crystal and both morning 81 the and you can bring by the way am and my gathering...
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London was very strong fashion week and I think Paris is also quite strong this season. The collection is very diversified. It's still one but it's very diversified into two strong...
I studied for an English test today and learned 80 vocabulary words. In 10 days, I will have forgotten every word. The number of words that I remember t days after studying is modeled by-- so W of t,...
Aloha! I'm Lady K. I'm here on behalf of Expert Village and I'm here to talk to you about some basic modeling. On the subject of hats, I think the most important thing that you...
Colored Cat Eye Makeup Tutorial The look of a classic cat eye is timeless, and though it's usually created with a black liner, it doesn't always have to be. Let's inject a...
Asia is a great place for models to get a lot of experience. You work really hard, you shoot more pictures in a day than probably anywhere else in the world. You spend more time running around and...
Hello, my name is Shalon Delgado and on behalf of Expert Village I’m here to talk to you today about how to walk. It’s very important to learn how to walk especially in heels. You want to practice...