WEEK IN REVIEW It's Friday, December 13th. I'm Michał Łuczewski. Maciej Gdula is my guest. Today we'll talk about the left and Christianity. My first question: the great shift...
The demon was banished and although traces of its corrupting presence could be seen all over it was strongly felt that the world's fate had taken a turn to the better. In a field where their...



>> General concept is that she falls into... Do you know Szinkiel <fr. „Le grand pouvoir du Chninkel">? It's an old graphic novel by Rosisski and van...



That's the way it is, Mr Eugene. I'm Stanislav, accidentally. Who is Eugene? You are. I am. That's true. Everything is so expensive. Horribly. Do you know how much the cottage...



General Kennedy! General Kennedy! It's me, you recognize? I'm Major Ronson, from SPETSNAZ. You see, we're occupying this island now, on your frigging order, by the way. And...



WAITER helping (to himself) Enjoy, bloke! Not quite seasoned...touch of pepper... ..salt.. Nice! Hold on! Waiter! Yes? What is it that you gave me? Chitterlings. This thing. What is it? It's a...



We hope that thanks to the award the whole Poland will learn that Allegro is a very good place to work at. A place where you can do interesting things, where you can do large-scale things and you can...



Hello. This film will show you how to use the Collect Call service. Collect Call service You can make a Collect Call in a number of ways. One of them is to type characters *550 before the number you...



- Komenda policji w Żarach - Halo? Policja? - Tak, policja w Żarach - Proszę Pana, mówi Hymer Jadwiga Lipinki Łużyckie, Łączna 43 Łączna tutaj jak się wjeżdża zaraz koło poczty, objazd tutaj Zgłaszam...



Roman, who said blind questionnaire, we will put you in the dark. So tonight we have our undertaker, Yves. (Laughter from the audience) Um, I'll ... No, stay there! Stay there, do not move!...