Today the Apostle E.F. and his glorious choir are gonna sing a song for us. - Apostle. - I'm gonna fly away someday. I got my own little airplane. Someday, I'm goin' down that...
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The people that are drawn to Santa Rosa are creative. A lot of my neighbors are artists or musicians. They're in the culinary arts. A lot of them run the wine industry. They like the idea of...
>> Pete Williams: Hi guys, Pete Williams here. And welcome to another edition of PreneurCast podcast. This week it's a little bit different. As I mentioned on the show last week,...
Epic Era Review hey what's up this is Maurrin Carter are coming to you from a home in Texas hope this video as you have it they are very blessed day want to do video on this lot about epic era...
For more than 130 years, lawyers have relied on the AV® Preeminent™ rating while searching for their own expert attorneys. Now you too can look this important, trusted rating when choosing an...



I'm a real estate broker that specializes in investment properties. My first seminar, there were like a hundred people there. I was like a sponge, I sat there, I loved it, I mean the...
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Kenmore Intuition Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner - White (31040) Compared to other vacuums in the $150-$250 range, I think it looks pretty sleek. The handle has a soft rubber grip. The switch allows...