Oz-Pet's Cat Loo is an award winning Australian product which really cares for my environment! My digging chambers....well, loooo! Utilises organic sawmill cutting waist, compressed by the...
Q:Do any of your friends work similarly as an animal volunteer? A:It is not something I have heard of much... Q:If animals could speak, what do you think they would say? A:I think they would say...
We were originally based in a charity shop and we had the animals upstairs but it wasn't ideal then we found out that this clinic was coming up on the market so we thought we would give it a...
Dramatic CCTV footage captured a group of masked men storming a hospital in Bogota on Wednesday. It was part of a daring escape for a prisoner who was being treated by medics inside. In a scene that...
In animal welfare news, pilots help rescue dogs and cats. Pilots N Paws connects animal rescuers and pilots from all over the United States. Felines and canines who have been taken from abusive...
alright here's keeper the cat keeper you want a cheeser keepers fifteen-years-old and spry as can be cheese cheeser %um %um maybe you'd like some ham to go with that and cheese what...
My name is Dawn Travis and I run the Streatham Hill Cat Rescue Group and I have done for the last 41 years it started off with my children bringing home two sick cats in and we was at a bedsit at the...
It looks like dead technology... and and is in some respects but ...uh... you need to shoot Hi8 in order to... ...so people don't think that you're tampering with the footage the...
finally the cats meow thanks to their resilience and uncanny ability to land on their feet cats are said to have nine lives but for felines with special medical needs or disabilities the chances of...
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Where have you been ? I have been to london to look at the queen Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, What did you do there ? Frightened a little mouse under her chair Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Where...