I come into contact with many Christians, both on youtube and in my life where I live, and what I see is, most ALL of them reject and detest the true gospel of repentance. The really HATE Jesus, but...
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The Holy Spirit gave me a message concerning "Professing Christians", He asked me WHAT ARE THEY PROFESSING? See most Christians are SIN PROFESSING CHRISTIANS. They have NEVER REALLY...
We are commanded to keep ourselves in the love of God. You know, Jesus made the way for us. He died on the cross and resurrected! And all power and all authority is given to HIM. HE made the way for...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
The Lord Jesus is a righteous judge and ALL judgment and authority to judge has been given to Jesus. If you choose to not repent, He will be judging NOT in your favor, He will be judging against you....
No sinners will go into the Kingdom of Heaven There are many people who have been deceived into thinking that they cannot stop sinning If you go on sinning you will certainly end up in hell I read the...



I have been criticised in the past and I will be criticised for standing by the testimony of Jan Boshoff, Justice Boshoff, Finalcall07 is his channel on YouTube, and his wife Christiana. Some years...
Most people have NEVER truly repented! They have never stopped sinning to turn to Jesus to live in HIS righteousness. They have NEVER received the Holy Spirit. Maybe YOU have never truly repented if...



What must divorced Christians do? Some of us have made many mistakes in the past. We got a whole lot of sin behind us, but what must we do if we've done things like divorced our previous...