Here we are Back at the beginning Hold your cross Prevent yourself from sinning My life's on sale I hear the people bidding I'm going to hell My head just won't stop spinning Is this all I have? Is...



"may the past arise and change the future" Repent Where are you now I was never here It is not clear to see What you gave to me Your magic works forever Mine was never seen Our journey ends...
Slowly coming close to the end Drawing close to the ever-lasting All-enduring Flame All approaching the end Dawning of the end Drawing close to the ever-lasting Slowly coming close to the end All...



Repentance to Allah has a sweeter feeling in hearts than honey taste Anyone who has good fortune and planning to repent to Allah, will know what I am talking about But we have to know how to deal with...



[Speaking Arabic] Plaise be to Allah Almighty, the one we ask help, mercy, forgivness. We seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the bad deeds of our selves. And the evils of our souls. Whoever Allah...
I live my life by your examples But sometimes I don't Never killed anyone in my life Lord But that doesn't mean I wont I quickly realized after thoughts of suicide The laughter of the...



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