Hi. Hi, Norita. -Hi. Alejandro, are these yours? -Where did you find them? In your room. I was cleaning and I found them, but that's not the most important part. Are they yours? No, mom. How...
As long as my sins are "little ones" can't I still get into heaven? Is there some sort of "moral equation?" What is heaven? One of the most compelling...
Who do these bishops think they are to tell me what to think? I have to listen to my mom and dad, and now bishops too? I don't need the bishops to tell me what to think. Don't do this....
The Peace of Christ! On May 13, 2007, our Pope Benedict XVI was here in Brazil, in Aparecida, to start the 5th CELAM. CELAM is the Latin American Episcopal Council is the exercise of episcopal...



this contaminated all parties and all the top of the political class this mentality because all those items that are there and they are not condemned by the church only by the Catholic Church...
caution side effects may include wilderness endorsing tutti for for the questions cause of the catechism of the catholic church we'll compare screeched my allied i wally on a mine mine by life...



Ecuadorian people is a libertarian people prosperity is not enough prosperity with a yoke With a collar and a bell is unacceptable for people like the Ecuadorian people all these impressive advances...
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