and remembered when I thought I was a part of its creation, though I never really was. I felt music, like pulses of String Theory surrounding me with being, in a universe of created things that...
Has it been so long? Have we forgotten our shadowed past? Our History? We bastards of chaos, weened on pestilence... and destruction. Our nakedness clothed in the armor of fear. Our only hope for...
You can overcome through Christ. I am just thrilled to be here. And excited about this day in November. we have such a lineup and it is such an exciting time to be able to talk to people from around...
Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here. They asked me if I wanted a drink before I came on and I asked for a pint but they gave me water. (Laughter) So, following the other speakers I have a...
How dare you? You may have heard false reports. - You betrayed Ned. - Betrayed? I wanted him to serve as Protector of the Realm. I begged him to seize the moment. I trusted you. My husband trusted...



Hi everyone! I hope you had a good Holiday! We're back on Final Fantasy XI today Once again on the new Salvage Event that was added last update I already made a video on it, on...
I read an article about Jiří Hájíček in a magazine back in 2006. He had just been awarded the Magnesia Litera prize for this novel as it was chosen as the best novel in 2005 in the Czech Republic. I...
American Tank at War Remnants Museum by TravelPod member thomasgillam American Jet Plane by TravelPod member thomasgillam American Mortar by TravelPod member thomasgillam Seismic (ap?) Bomb by...
[metal detector beeps] Right here! FOR NEARLY A DECADE, HISTORY HAS COME TO LIFE ONE PILE OF DIRT AT A TIME. TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE ARCHEOLOGISTS... It’s definitely a vertical piece of wood, might...
>> BENJAMIN CAUDILL: Welcome to DEF CON to "Offensive Forensics: CSI for Bad Guys." I am if you can read, Benjamin Caudill. I want to get this talk started off with how...