Laureen: OK, good. This is a favorite part that people are loving. We have a guest tonight, let me un-mute her, Brenda Moonyham. She is old school and doesnít have a picture, so I said weíll put up a...
Many people claim to be born again but they are not, they do not know Jesus Christ. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Master, and Jesus Christ is IN YOU and you are IN CHRIST, then you...
Right in this moment I'm movin' away I cannot take No more strain Leave me alone With all my pain It's a lonely day, I can not stay Right in this moment I'm...
You know men love a challenge, that's probably why this whole Nek Nominate thing has just gone viral around the world Because Okes are so amped to basically out do each other with drinking...
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Austin Sunroom 512-993-9176 Custom Patio Covers Austin Texas Many people fantasize about owning a house. And if they work hard enough they actually manage to...
I'm hi this is Steve Canton today how to sing were reviewing the superior singing method by Aaron 100000 aaron is a long time singer-songwriter spot hundreds of people you studio and thousands...