The next thing I'm going to show you is about the program mode. The program mode basically let's you effect the programs or the sound banks where you keep all your drums and all your...
Hi! I'm Jennifer Kimball and one behalf of Expert Village, I'm going to show you how to organize and maintain your book collection. Now, we talked about making sure your books are...
I've shown you many books as we've gone through this discussion of clock collecting, but there are many more. I have a large bookshelf full of books, and that's one nice thing,...
Hi, I’m Molly Mackey for Expert Village and now we’re going to talk a little bit about inside flaws and how to describe them properly. A lot of times we come across a book like this, heavy, heavy...
The Special Collections circulation request form allows you to easily request items for use in our reading room without having to fill out paper forms. To make a request, you must first create an...
During 1976 and 1977, the Central Bank of Taiwan assigned me to learn the monetary market in the States. Then, during 1978 and 1979 Taiwan started to develop a foreign exchange market. I was the...
Here we have a collection of some of our rare books, and special collections materials and, for example we have the Graduale Romanum dating from 1671, which on this particular page shows us an example...



Well, the first memory I have of going to the library getting my library card, which was now, thirty-nine years ago. I got my very first library card. It was the first thing that I had with my name on...
BERG- Special Collections is where the university library holds its rare and special research collections. SCOTT- Whether they're old and rare, or new and controversial or ephemeral and...
[Ann Frisina] Hello and welcome to the Textile Conservation Lab of the Minnesota Historical Society. My name is Ann Frisina and I'm the Textile Conservator. This is the third podcast in our...

