uhh break a blunt up and blow it on the set/ i been killin this game but i dont think that i been noticed yet/ im gettin bonus checks, and stayin close to best/ that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...
Uh...Yeah...I'm about to show you how ah...ah "Pleiadian Starseed Renegade" do this "g" thang It's by the cycles of life I'm born to die all...
Grab this song made with passion cause here looking after your people is tradition. If there is a mess we enjoy like kids, day into methapores. You are all warned! You are all conviced! Grab this song...
Drake and lil'wayne and Wizzy and the taylor gang. Don't forget about Dre , Eminem and Nicki babes. Forgetting about JB and MGK. All bad motherfuckers that are rapping this game. 2...
Yea, it's Corny Different little feel on a weed song Get my phone and jot a verse while I got a beat on Tryna keep my feet on the ground meanwhile I'm tryna put me on From spitting out...
[Snoop] Still Snoop Dogg and D-R-E (Guess who's back) Still, still doing that shit, huh Dre? [Dr. Dre] Oh for sure, check me out It's still Dre Day, A.K. nigga Before I chrome the lot,...
Wow... Did you get everything? Yeah. So, getting back to it. Getting back... What do you think sets you apart from other rappers in Brazil? I think the difference is I love doing that. I love getting...
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