To answer the question of why education is important in heritage in the formation of societies, the first thing you’d need to understand is what cultural heritage is. Among the many definitions out...



Puede ser una ilusión o tal vez tu corazón te hable, a cada instante nada pasa porque si. me da miedo hablar de mi lo sabes, a cada instante Me veras, suelo caminar, pensando en cada paso si voy a...
Hola soy Marcela y estás en mi canal de Youtube, hoy día quería traerles un nuevo vídeo. es más bien corto, es para pedirles ayuda para hacer crecer esto, más por las redes sociales. me refiero al...
si muero joven que me entierren en satén cayendo sobre un lecho de rosas rocien de mí en el río al amanecer Enviadme lejos con las palabras de una canción de amor oh oh oh oh Señor hazme un arco...



Porque hay siempre una mayoría de gente que no tiene interés en el Estado mínimo, que tiene interés en aumentar el Estado. Y en un sistema donde las decisiones colectivas se toman mediante voto, y no...
I hate the uninitiate crowd and keep them far away. Observe a reverent silence! I, the Muses' priest, sing for maids and boys songs not heard before. The rule of dreaded kings is over their...



Hi, this is Frank Radice and we're here for Red Touch Media with out continuing series on the Future of Content. I'm talking to Angela Zilm from AuraXM. Angela tell me a little bit...
Greetings this presentation is called what is an ultimate or evolutionary question and what we're getting at with that is a distinction between what are called proximate causes and ultimate...
Hi, I'm Leah Treat, I'm the Director of the Portland Bureau of Transportation and like many of you, I rely of Portland Streetcars to get around town. As both your director and a...



Ideas shouldn't be bounded by geography One of the things you learn very early on is that we are an independent publisher and we always will be. Whether it is evaluation, whether it's...

