Human Resources - The 3rd Revolution? (PART 2) - By Claudemir Oliveira Phrases from Claudemir's articles published on May 17, 2011. You may want to PAUSE some slides From focus on Product...
Phrases from article published by Claudemir Oliveira in his column on Positive Psychology - April 2011 You may want to pause every once in a while this video. Thanks. for the complete article, please...
Last week, I spoke to the Human Resources congress. I started with Peter Drucker: the reason for a business is to have a client. Then, I quoted Theodore Levitt: "creating a client is easy;...
To maximize the sales and marketing of your hotel or hotel chain on the Internet you have to use a variety of applications. One to set more competitive rates, You also need a booking engine for your...



My dream is to stay here forever, right? I got my dream and it’s better than I thought. I pray to Jesus for things to keep getting better. My life and his is in our house. Get a car for myself,...
Hello, my name is César Menotti. You must know me from the DVDs Words of Love, Voice in the Heart or as the dead fat guy from CSI Nova Iguaçu. Today I'm here to announce... Holy Shit......
I have specialization in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. One example: if you ask anyone in a big city about traffic. We may say: traffic drives me crazy. Albert Ellis says that it is our belief on...
Mauricio? Mauricio! Mauricio, come here! Mauricio, it's me, Jorge. I don't know who you're talking to, honey. Mauricio, it's me. Jorge from the company. Stop joking...
What we’re having for desert, Odete? Pineapple. Pineapple? Yeah. Oh, and there’s mandarin too. Hey, Odete. The way things are, it won’t work for me. I leave home at 6 am every day, and I work like a...