So how we make one of those awesome YouTube banners? Tune to this video and I'm going to teach you how to do it. Hi, you're watching Matt TV! This is a place where we have you create...
okay welcome to a single earning this is uh... yeah short introductory to picnic picnic is and editor graphics program that is free to join and if you want some extra fixed really easy to learn...
Click on the Paths tab to reveal the Paths that we have made ... Our current Path is known as a Work Path right now and is a temporary thing until we save it. Our current Path is known as a Work Path...



Because we can’t just use our phones to not answer calls from our boss or texts from our girlfriend. We have turned them into Swiss Army knives of multimedia. Thanks to built in cameras we all have...
This movie is about the conventions of working with type layers in Photoshop. When you use your Type tool and you type on your canvas, you create a type layer. This is what a type layer looks like. It...



Hello this is Eddie with and today we are talking about the best photo editing software! As you can see I have Adobe Lightroom open and because I don't like suspense I'm...
When we got together and created the Student Union there were period for you in fact there were no options for students to you taxes to you financial account on board your campus it also...
album the k at allowed to return back here to tell me if you're in you know how to and then background too often in each for example there like catching guy new removing the blue background...
{QTtext}{timescale:100}{font:Verdana}{size:20}{backColor:0,0,0} {textColor:65280,65280,65280}{width:960}{justify:center} {plain} [00:00:01.00] TextEdit is Apple's text editing application....

