to put it in a nut shell only in the united states has healthcare and the insurance of health care been treated like a business %uh where investors and investor owned enterprises %uh become a very...
here's what's to me the real nail in the coffin for Peter Madoff yes he was the compliance officer %uh he was signing off on filings to the SEC that were false for instance he oversaw...
so a signing statement is an official legal document that a president issues on the day he signs a bill into law files it in the federal register and it consists of instructions to the executive...
so much of i think the art of getting older is this thing that eric erickson talked about as generativity which involves many things like for example ceding the stage center of the stage for the next...
presidential power is not a partisan issue because the ways in which these precedents in these different trends have all come together to magnify presidential power are for the most part permanent and...
what are the objections to fair trade do people worry about oh well we're going to pay more for products you know that's what people assume but fair trade is actually fair all the way...
it seems as if in this country right now the only people whose morality is really up for debate debate are individual women making health care decisions about their own lives and their families lives...
It appears that congress has actually bought into one of the the precepts of the principles of the administrations point of view which is we can't let the courts get involved because if the...
I'm one I hate to be an old-fashioned guy but i think the guys were better in those days I think oscar robertson jerry west wilt chamberlain elgin baylor were better than the players today I...
the pay of the average worker in real dollars has gone up five years by what did you say one third of one percent 0 point three percent roughly a third of one percent per year in fairness seven...