Here's what's so astonishing about that so you or I don't have the power to subpoena money managers and brokerage firms only regulatory agencies do the SEC or you know the OCC...
I had been looking into writing about hedge funds more in two thousand one they were not as well known as they are today we read about hedge funds in the papers all the time there was a recent insider...
the major media have always been own controlled by the people of wealth and %uh and therefore the the editorial positions the choice of news items has always been determined by those people who...
bird and Johnson each measured their success by the number of championships they won an edge held by magic as superstars and the leaders on two elite NBA teams who entered the league at the same time...
you say that our leaders are addicted to war addicted to war why do you say that the sign of an addiction I suppose is a when somebody keeps coming back to something that's bad for you and...
don't people like us depend on the SEC and the Wall street crowd foolishly but don't we in effect depend on them to keep crooks honest to keep the crooks from doing crookedness yes...
the war powers resolution is this complicated framework whereby the president can decide to commit military forces in an emergency but then he has to go back to congress etcetera etcetera which has...
couple months into the war in afghanistan we are capturing a lot of people %uh in sweeping up people we think are probably al qaeda and taliban and we don't know what to do with them...
but the rules matter rules define our civilization and if the rules say the rich can take from the poor there are a lot of rich people who will justify that by saying but it says in the law i can do...
eisenhower %uh his persona was much different than the real eisenhower eisenhower if the cameras were on him he could flick a magic button and be huck finn as painted by norman rockwell and %uh and he...