Link is a blonde young man from Ordon Village, which is a small community in southern Hyrule. Time in this land is not relevant. Link has lived with his grandmother for as long as he can remember. His...
Link... Where are we? i can't recognize the sorroundings... Link... Can you hear me? Link... Link... WAKE UP!!! Legend of Zelda: A Link to Reality Link, there is an object over there try to...
Matthew: What!? There are three of us!? No way! How is this possible? Kelli: Yes, Matt. How is it possible? Matthew: …This is Skyward Sword Kelli: Does it [the screen] look fuzzy to you? Matthew: I...
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Wherever you are, wherever you may be, wherever you have been, this is Mr. Doom, get it right. This is my third Let's Play I've done so far....
This time we'll be taking a look at a file-select screen secret in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the GameCube. So you probably don't need me to tell you that the Zelda series...
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The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Bloopers Oh man I totally forgot about the cheats!!! What did you do to me I chop of your face Well in the mean time I'll kill my self!!!!! Well we still...
trapeze for just broke i need and chance i don't know what works for you which he began to take care and you know every one of them too she's views holding changes w_t_v_j_ so my hand...
In the beginning, the world was created by the three goddesses Din, Farore and Nayru, who shaped the land and gave it life before leaving a symbol of their power (the Triforce) in the care of the...