I'm Matt Frost and I'm a 32 year old policy analyst from Wellington and I work for an organization called the New Zealand Disability Support Network. I'm a Blenheim boy I come...



Hi! This is your friendly STAC liaison librarian speaking, Monica Rettig. If you’re watching this video, I’m going on the assumption that you are in the STAC 4F40 Arts Management course. In this...



>> in RefWorks or via email, is to do some critical appraisal of our results. So what are the characteristics we're looking for in the end? We're going to try to find 3...
Gulen charter schools concept is invented by vicious bloggers and confuses people like West Texas Patriots (comment added by video owner)0:00:00.005,0:00:00.010 They go after successful schools like...
Students today are media and tech savvy. They are digital natives. However, research shows they are still movie goers and TV watchers. How can we capture this in the classroom? Well, we can use video...
Hello, my name is Dr. Kristi Fragnoli. I’m a professor at The College of St. Rose in Albany, New York. Today, we’re looking at primary documents for the classroom. Primary documents are items from...
Have you ever become frustrated when searching for information? Don't give up! Many times, conducting an effective search is just a matter of figuring out the correct set of search terms,...
In this tutorial, you will learn about locating books and ebooks for your Samford University assignments. First, you'll want to go to the library homepage. Just type in library.samford.edu....
James Garfield Randall was a petite man who joined the faculty in the history department in 1920. Given Randall's modest stature, it's ironic that he became the nation's...