I'm walking in the shadows of my tempted soul Time is ticking by I'm chatting with this bottle of wine I know that I'm not perfect I'll admit that I'm a fool...



Okay, so how do you know what's the proper size prey item for your corn snake? Well, the first rule of thumb is that the prey item should be no bigger than the thickest part around of your...
Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan will talk about the state separation. Dear friends, for the last few years, the telangana movement that has effected our state economy and to some extent our society, has got a...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}...
Jake! He came very close, did you see?! Jake! I've got you, pet. There we go. Well done, well done. Jake go up the hill, please Well done Hi! Dead day old chicks. So we feed them chicks, mice,...
We recently spoke with J. Stanton about what we eat. Now we wanna talk to him about how we eat and how that affects us. So J., we've heard that you should eat a bunch of small meals throughout...
What a lovely little watch! lsn't it charming? Maybe tonight l'll still have a chance to offer this watch to a young artiste. l have none... And l only have this one. l know that...



Good evening, all you gentlemen Mobsters, creeps and crooks Men in tights come after you And still you're off the hook For those who scare and terrorize It's the dawn of a brand new...
Hello! Welcome to Expert Village. My name is Wayne Peterson and I'm the director of the Important Bird Areas Program for the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Today we're here at the...
Baruti? It really is you! You walk with a different air about you. Maybe you've changed for the better? The family... We all thought... I'm assuming you felt it? I mean, that's...