Hi, my name is Jamie Sloan, and I'm a graduate student at Eastern Illinois University. I'm studying to be a registered dietician, which basically means I want to help people make...
¡Tengo hambre! ¿Tiene buen sabor? ¡Sí! Esto tiene un sabor original... Oí esto por un Chef muy conocido de la TV. Dijo que la sardina aceitada y pomelo, queda muy bien junto. ¡Oh no voy a llegar...



Today, the final fight is in his preparation Some men in secret are ending it for the arrival of thier Meshia (savior) The world is changing to surprise the whole humanity from his deep sleeping...
>>People know about Nick’s story. He is not a stranger; people knows about him, his belief, his faith in God. But I think what people will be interested to know will be hey, there...
00:05 COMM: A family is swamped by raccoons during a late night pit stop at a desolate gas station. 00:11 COMM: The animal army descended on father and daughter Neal and Victoria Stevens after they...
three do uh... How dare you Martin! how dare you to tell..you know for all the years we have nown each other I thought you would have my back but your going to sit there and tell me with a straight...
We set up a new rule of "HIT" First HIT : Bandage with the adhesive tape on knee Second Hit : Bandage with the adhésive tape on hand close The wounded players can be transported up...
No more licking the tub! No more licking the tub. I'm all for you playing... ...but no more licking the tub. Meow! You can play in the tub, I don't care... ...just don't lick...



(chorus sings opening theme song) boom boom tsssh boom boom boom tssh! We're walking! Walking through the woods. We're rapping! Like a couple of hoods. We're walking and...
Words to remember by TravelPod member thomasmb A Bomb Dome by TravelPod member thomasmb You too can be a karaoke panda star! by TravelPod member thomasmb Its not just in San Francisco by TravelPod...