"Prevenire l'Artrite" It may even help with arthritis. Fish, seal, and flax seed oils lessen joint pain. Anche per l'artrite: gli oli di pesce, foca o semi di lino...



The key thing to understand is that actually, the foundation of these attacks and the thing that makes the internet that vulnerable actually lies within the DNS, the domain name system, which is the...
This viewer asks, "What are some good exercises for people with carpal tunnel syndrome?" Well, first I wanna talk about having good posture. So you wanna make sure that...



Malaria is endemic in more than one hundred countries throughout the tropics and in some temperate regions. In 2011, malaria accounted for 216 million illnesses and an estimated 655 thousand deaths...



Hello from the Country Corner Farm in Alpha, Illinois! For the past few days, I've been traveling to small towns and farm towns here in the heartland of this country. I sat down with small...
Charles: This is Charles Prober. Morgan: And I'm Morgan Theis. Charles: And we're going to talk about the prevention of tuberculosis. There are I's, four I's to...
There’s several things to find out about your health history in terms of Type 2 Diabetes. The first is—is there a history of Type 2 Diabetes in the family? Is there anyone in the family who has Type...
[music] My family history with diabetes started with my Mother. She was diagnosed back in 1980. I was aware of it more in the nineties. And just learning the hardship of what she’s gone through, I...