Hello Everybody, and welcome... to... The Real Texas Or... I should be saying... Let's Play The Real Texas Uh, this is the first, qoute "Let's Play" video that...
We had a lot of draughts and we were burning a lot of fuel to try and keep warm. The biggest problem we had was that the cold seemed to come from the ground up, whereas cold usually settles from your...
Whatever I want Whatever I need Anything I want to buy baby Odd Coins help me 'Cause I'm every woman Shopping's in me Its all 'bout me I'm every woman...
Entering VA by TravelPod member kyliemarsh001 Yes, Very Encouraging by TravelPod member kyliemarsh001 Leaving NC by TravelPod member kyliemarsh001 The bridge from a distance by TravelPod member...
07 Impatiens loves it cool and damp! by TravelPod member thymeoff 05 Suchitoto's lake by TravelPod member worldofbintang 06 Chorro de Calera by TravelPod member thymeoff 08 Cascading falls by...
Got a cabinet door hitting when you go to close it here. We don't want that. Couple different ways to adjust it. You want to look at your bottom pivot, well the whole pivot of the door to make...
Hi, I'm Jay French, jayfrenchstudios.com, today I'm going to show you how to draw an Anime style. Alright, drawing Anime is mostly about people and robots. What we're going to...