Hey it’s Evan and I just wanted to let you know that if you have a DSLR of any kind, that you can start taking pictures just like the ones you’re seeing on this page right now. You do not need an...
I think all small towns are unique and Bennetsville is no exception when Marlboro County was founded the first courthouse was down on the Pee Dee River which is on the opposite end of Marlboro County...
I apologise there is some probably slightly squeamish pictures in this talk, should of said that at the beginning. Yes! We used twenty kilo adult pigs. Purely because that was about all I could lift -...
Mohammad Maqbool Bhat is a Kashmiri doctor based in Srinagar. He works in the city police hospital run by the government, and although he's not qualified, everyone in Srinagar knows him as Dr....
I was going to do stuff ok? Healthy well adjusted stuff and now I can't because of you. And this - this - this is all very new to me. (Music) Ah do you want to go - Oh - Wow. How do you know...
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postmortem hood: U Ppl R Frm which country? Foreigners: Spain Postmortem hood:ola [hi] Foreigners:ola [hi] postmortem hood:We Introduce ourselves.. postmortem hood:hey guys we r frm postmortem hood,we...
On a distant village, admist green fields and rocky mountains, a man returns home just to discover his battles have not yet ended. A Dark Lord and his wretched army , in search for the Ultimate Power...
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Female Speaker: Welcome to MMO Attack Top 10, our stupendous scintillating Top 10 show where we list the best of the best in the MMO gaming world. Today, we have top 10 superhero MMOs, which was, of...