Hi! My name is Rachel Blackston and I am here on behalf of Expert Village and I am a private practice mental health counselor in Orlando, Florida and I work at a private practice called Twelve Stones...



Hi, this tutorial is going to show you how you can put several sounds into one audio file for use in your animations with Anime Studio Debut. As I've mentioned before you can only put 2 audio...



Hi! My name is Rachel Blackston and I am here on behalf of Expert Village and I am a private practice mental health counselor in Orlando, Florida. I work at a private practice called Twelve Stones...



Working in DAZ Bryce 5.5c. Position the camera to select the desired shooting angle. Render the project. Save the resulting image as a BMP image file. Select the objects for which you want to create a...
Welcome! In this video I'll demonstrate how to use our CrossDresser clothing conversion utility. For those who aren't familiar with it, this utility is designed to convert Poser...
>> THE LAST: You're the first man on Earth, I'm the last. I will tell you the story of my past, your future is written in our memories. >>THE FIRST: Tell...
Working in DAZ Bryce 5.5c. Esc key toggles between textured view and wireframe view. Create a cylinder. Change the dimensions of the cylinder. Lower the cylinder onto the surface of the plane. File,...
JOHN CARSTARPHEN: Hi. This is John Carstarphen for Expert Village. And I'm going to go to "window>joint editor." We're going to zero the figure so that the...



Hey everybody. My name's Matt and I'm speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. One of the newer features in Poser that's really cool to use is Subsurface Scattering. What...
Hey everybody, my name is Matt and I am speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. We are going to learn how to create a pose for our character from the library. I can also do the same thing for...