This is the BlackRapid SNAPR10 integrated bag sling system. The snapr10 is the smallest product in the SNAPR line. The SnapR10 is perfect for carrying and protecting smaller point and shoot cameras as...
[0:00:00] Hey, this is Jeff Wenberg from LeadPages. We've just added the biggest feature in the history of LeadPages. Inside of LeadPages, you can now sort the different pages not only by...
Hey! It's fucking Neil here... With the GreenChop! Everyone's seen the GreenChop before haven't ya? It's fucking green and it chops! But your like, "Oh no Neil...
I'm afraid so. Alright. Hmmm.. Hmmm. Alright. You've done so far. I need you to spare. Ok. Hya. Hya. Hya. No, no it's all wrong. It's all wrong. Quinn, when you punch...
>> So, I'm Andy, and I'm sponsoring with Tech Talk by Rich LeGrand, Illah Nourbakhsh--did I addressed it right, Illah? >> NOURBAKHSH: Yes, close enough....
Real estate photography toronto Mark Wilson at is a passionate and energetic real estate photographer in Toronto property films recently began creating real estate videos to go along...
Hey - it's Matt again of the YouTube Creator Academy and welcome to Maximize Your Channel. Check out what the course has to offer: 1. You can talk with the YouTube product team and successful...
[Not many people know, but Ms. Vodka loves impersonating Armenian women] [Well, yeah. Old Armenian women. Seriously] STASS: I always wanted to do that... IRINA: Should I leave maybe? [SWAMPMONSTER!!]...
"first-aid post" -What has happened when it was the first Riot Police attack? -They didn`t disturb The Red Cross during the first attack. However, when it was second attack, they...