Hello, everyone! This is Play Korean! And I'm Jin Hee Park. At last, we are starting the very first lesson for advanced learners. It’s very nice to meet you all! Just before we start...
–All right, Cel… –Rose, don’t hover. Come in or get out. –What are you doing? Have you gone insane? Do you know the word on the floor says that you’re crazed today? What do you…? What d’you…? What’s...
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[Onew] Last night in my dreams, you drew close to me Your whispered words, your hair that brushed against my face [Jonghyun] When I woke up from my dream, it was all too clear That your presence was...
Chorus: Give me the green light And I'll pee all night Let's go! Verse: We see you squirming; you've got to go pee No bathroom in sight cause we're at the beach Hold on...
Please, Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas I don't wanna see my momma cry Please, Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas I don't wanna see my momma cry Please, Daddy,...
We sit next to each other in the car but there is no music I always held your left hand but now you’re picking at your lips I know what you’re going to say, please don’t say it Don’t know why. Don’t...
He oido que le va bien en todo y que se esfuerza por batir el record solo para evitar que su mundo se venga abajo Ella es una luchadora Yo no podria seguir jugando porque el juego nunca terminarí a...
Time is slipping though my fingers (Please don't go) And in those spaces memories linger (Please don't go) Seems yesterday you were in my belly (Please don't go) Now I hug you...