Hi! My name is Nate McCullough on behalf of expertvillage.com. In this clip we are going to talk about the proper way to install your new set of brake pads. The first thing I want to point out is the...
So the Happy Hour is with Greg Page, Miss Mica Still (which is me) and Dr. Fil. And I wanted to work with these 2 guys due to their sense of humour. All 3 of us have a similar sense of humour and I...
AEGIS has been running for just about 4 years now, and in that time, in addition to developing the Open Accessibility Framework – the theoretical underpinning of our work – we have proven that...
This is a 1 MW agro pellet burner. This type of burner is available from 25kW to 1MW, with a 3 MW project. We started out with wood pellets which are easier to burn. For agro pellets which produce...



On this new Biofire boiler, the first point is the compactness of the boiler with regards to the delivered power, and the second point is the fuel feeding system up to the combustion chamber. We have...



In my first tutorial, I'll show you my preferred method for winding lines. I'll assume that you have your lines connected to the kite, untwisted. The first step is to land on the...
Are you in? Is anyone here? Hi, monster. Is something wrong? - There's butter in the kitchen. - So you're here? - Why didn't you answer? - Go get the butter. I have to hurry. I...