Crazy People of Walmart - Version 66 The "not so" grim reaper. I guess you could call those "tightie brownies". Oops - put shirt on backwards - he doesn't...
What the hell? Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Oh my ... Oh, turn it off, turn it off! *laughter* Tayne: Nice. Holy schnikes, you guys did a really good job! Hi everyone. Thank you. Go ahead,...
Every time I cast All Stars Night, I feel... Shame on you, smoking here. Every time I see the bodily form of SanPao, I feel some distress in my heart. In order to become a fabulous lady-killer in the...
F91, you just killed two birds with one stone! In general, F91 still treats me with more respect. Do you want to bet? I think the opponent is going 9 pool speed-up'ed zerglings this game. But...



Well F91, what kind of result do you think we'll see? Me? This map... too easy. I've practiced this rush so many times. How can he beat me? No way! Not possible! NICE! Did you intend...



"Actually, on VS, any race is nothing to me." F91, what are you planning? I'll play however I feel like playing. Just wait... proxy BBS coming now. That's a...
"No Luna", version 1.1, the instant you see stuff like that you just know it has to be some noob dick. Don't worry. There's no problem. In a bit, I'll show...
Come on! Come here! I dare you! He's got an expo already though. Doesn't matter if he's got his expo. At least, he's stopped mining at this one. But you haven't...



good morning. I'm Dave Saltman. The M.D of Maxwell Amenity, Pitchcare, and ALS. Next to me is Laurence Gale our Editor, and I have the enviable task of demonstrating how good this new Helly...