Hi I'm Jena from Kensington and I’m here today to talk to you about the Kensington KeyFolio Expert: Multi-Angle Folio & Keyboard for the latest iPad Let’s get into the details The...
Digital mammography represents the final element in a fully integrated digital Radiology department. In such an environment the radiologist can bring to bear for any given case, multiple sources of...



Hi, Heidi Thorne for Promo With Purpose today, and PWP Mobile. Today we're going to talk about a great way to keep your brand in the hand of your customers, and remind them about any mobile...
Hi, Welcome to WirelessEmporium.com. You might have seen our other video on the different cases that we carry for the Samsung Galaxy S3. Well today I am going to show you a variety of cases that fit...
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The OtterBox Defender series offers all around, rugged protection. To install your device into the case first remove the screen protector shell. Do this by pushing up on the tabs, freeing the case....
Hey guys, this is Austin and today I’m here with a review of the new iPod nano 7th generation. This brings back a much more traditional design but is it any good? First step is to pop open the box...
Hey guys Maxine here with AccessoryGeeks.com and I have here in front of me the Motorola Zoom. Now as you can see the Motorola Zoom is currently enclosed in a leather case. This brown leather case...
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