Hi, Jimmy Hartman here with Expert Village and in this clip, we'll be showing you how to group everything together here in our composition to check our final result from the original image to...
Managing a lifetime of digital photos and videos can be a daunting task, but the SmugMug ORGANIZER makes it a breeze. PHOTO TOOLS The PHOTO TOOLS palette consists of a wide range of image manipulation...
Hey everybody! My name is Matt and I'm speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. I'm going to select a couple photos here from my library. I can do this by either shift clicking or...
Choosing a high power graphics card is of significant importance for operating modern video editing software in order to quickly render, compile, and export media files to produce a video. Modern...
Welcome to another Storibook Designs view-torial as part of our social media training. Today I'm going to talk you through adding the pin it button to firefox on a mac computer. Upon opening...
The Photo Fix panel in the Organizer offers some one click automatic photo adjustments for color and for lighting including contrast, color, levels, and smart fix. If you're looking for an...
>>Laura: Hello class, today we are going to learn how to crop a photo using fotoflexer.com The first thing you want to do is go to the website fotoflexer.com Once you are on this...
You may seen such plans and wonder how it is done Actually there is nothing very difficult in making such interactive floor plan. Ok let's make a quick checklist. If you pass it you may do it...
welcome friends let's take a look how picbow creates magic on photos here are some original photos from my album i picked one of them and add different effects to provide a new look for...
Hey guys welcome back to YellowPrediction i'm going to show you how to make custom for burials on your mine craft videos justice i have a right here till to do these after becoming you to...