Hi just to inform This is the last vlog with this camera. as promised, stay now with all the special skills of the participants at creators camp Brazil can you demonstrate a special skill? now, a...
so a lot of you have been wondering how i make my compositions And i thought the easiest way to show you was to make a video so here it is first what i do is open this program called Finale Print...
Proyecto Tacos born in Puerto Vallarta some years ago with local musicians musicians interested in expand the musical culture of quality in this port and they mix rythms of jazz tropical rythms,...



Now, we are going to look at our next two measures and we are featuring 8th, or quarter note rests. And quarter note rests look like this, this squigly line here and you just rest for one beat. So, we...
Now we are going to go through I'm going to play the whole song. I'm going to play chords with my right hand or with my left hand and with my right hand I'm just going to play...



On behalf of Expert Village, I am Eric Williams and I am here to tell you about reading music. The bass clef does have a transition at the very top of the bass clef which takes you into the notes of...
So now we're up here on our first assume of the second page. And you have the E. So that's our five and you notice this little x next to the note. That's a double sharp. So...



Hi, folks from CifraClub! I'm Philippe Lobo, and in this video, we're going to see a review about Guitar Pro 6, one of the main score and tablatures edition softwares nowadays....
When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be Will I be pretty will I be rich Here's what she said to me Que Sera, Sera Whatever will be, will be The future's not...



Hello everybody! Before start this lesson I would like to ask a favor I spend a lot of time shooting the lessons and don´t charge anything for it. And will not charge even, but I´ll ask you this: If...