Demonstrations against austerity have become a common sight in Athens. So have the huge numbers of young people, over 75 million worldwide, who are unemployed. Some will eventually even give up the...
What is your inner drive? What is your passion? What gets you up in the morning? You know, I've been obsessed with this question : How could I break free? Let me tell you my story. My name is...
The purpose of this video is to show how to perform multiple factor analysis with FactoMineR and especially how to improve graphics that are obtained with FactoMineR. I'll first load the...



Letís choose any point on our planet. It doesnít matter whether itís a big city or a small town; if it's on the sea or in the middle of the desert. It neither matters which language is...
My character, her name is Raikes and she's a weapon officer. She's not afraid of anything. She loves weapons, she knows them and not only her weapons but every other weapons on the...
The 8.8 update brings back the Serene Coast, Komarin and Swamp maps. In addition a completely new location appears, called the Tundra. We will discuss them today. Let’s start with a look at the new...
Christine Suurtam, Ph.D. - Prix d'excellence en enseignement 2013 >>> Christine: So I’m Christine Suurtam currently the director of teacher education and I’m also a...



I came indirectly to education. I was interested in the development of intelligence and childrenís cognitive processes I then became interested in how evaluations can help students with learning...

