Organic vegetable garden

Hi I'm Jarrett of Stone Soup Farm and this is how to sow seeds outdoors. When you are planting a garden there can be a lot of different kind of seeds that all have very different requirements...
Hi I'm Jarrett Man of Stone Soup Farm and this is what items you can put in a compost pile. You can put almost any plant or animal material in a compost pile. You can see here we have a...
"Hi this is Steve for Expert Village and today we'll be talking about setting up an indoor garden to grow your plants organically with the changing of the season. You?re not able to...
This is Steve for Expert Village and today were going to be talking about taking clones or making cuttings of plants. Once you have a plant that you like, which is called your "Mother...
Hi! My name is Scott Reil and on behalf of I will like to talk to you about vegetable gardening. One of those chores that comes up in every garden is weeding. Weeds happen. Weeds...
Hi! My name is Scott Reil and on behalf of I will like to talk to you about vegetable gardening. No matter how good of a gardener you are eventually you are going to come up against...
Hi, this is John Kohler with I have another exciting episode for you today. Today I was just about to spread some compost tea on my baby plants. I've got some sunchokes...
When your garden is complete at the end of the season, you want to make sure and remove all your fallow plants because they attract grub worms, and beetles, and cut warms, and aphids, and you don’t...