So my background is in hospitality, my first few jobs were in hospitality coming from Florida, I had a great opportunity to work in places like Disney World and Universal Studios along with...
[D. Etter] Honors students tend to have that edge when it comes to internships because you have the past experience, you have the grades, and so, it’s very easy, especially with the help of the...
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; "\>Event ID: 2070733 Event Started: 1/24/2013 4:00:00 PM ---------- Please...



>> Rhonda: Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for joining us on our countdown webinar to the National Day of Service and the King Day of Service 2013. We're so glad that you took...
Magnetics is a very mysterious field. There's a lot that's known. And there's lots being investigated about spin and electron, momentum. Things that create this phenomenon...
Today's globalized world may seem to get smaller every day, but from the microbiology viewpoint the world gets bigger all the time. For over a century, we have been exploring this world, and...



Male Speaker: -- and pass the time to Chris. Chris Chute: Thank you. If we could have the questions come up. Basically, what I did is to clone the question slides that were in Josh's...
I am Belinda Brown, a Global Leadership and Expat Coach. I am as well the founder of Equanimity Executive. This is an organization that assists people to make sustainable changes in their lives and in...
Barbara Janke Just like the rest of the country, Bristol has been undergoing a very serious recession over the last 12 months. I'm Barbara Janke and I am interested to see how the different...
My name is... [in several languages] [music] >>Narrator: As The Cochrane Collaboration reaches 20 years of existence, contributors consider the challenges and opportunities moving...