I heard about this tournament in Chicago’s Navy Pier. It was an adaptive basketball demonstration, I showed up with my family, and I saw all these guys doing these amazing things in their wheelchair,...
I am writing to the IPC members today and I felt it was really time to share the emotions, and share the shock and disbelief. and also condolences of course to the family now of Reeva Steenkamp. And...
BLAKE LEEPER: Technology plays a huge factor. It's almost like a new leg each and every month. I run on the Ossur Cheetahs, and I feel like that's the best thing I've got going...
Boundary Catching In cricket a catch is considered to be fair, if the fielder is within the field of play and the ball hasn't touched the ground before he catches it. The fielder must have...
>> Thank you. Thank you all very much for coming out in such great numbers for this discussion. My name is Nick Tyler and I, for once in my various [inaudible] one of the things I do is...
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Hey it's Coach Tief from tips4running.com with some 400 meter dash tips. I'll be honest. There isn't a lot of strategy to this race. It's pretty much sprint until the...
Oscar Pistorius has been taken into police custody after a 30-year-old woman, believed to be his girlfriend, was shot dead at his home in South Africa.Several South African new outlets reported that...