kansas republicans including governor sam brownback want to cut college aid for the poor in a border to pay for more tax breaks now this doesn't make sense on so many levels one more...
One of the fastest runners on the planet has no legs. At what point are you robot or cybog? Legs? Heart? This is Alexandra Cardinale and you're watching The Meme Factory [music] There is a man...
In today's video I will talk about Oscar Pistorius Oscar just made the 2012 London Olympics. He did it even though he is a double amputee. He is the first amputee to make an Olympics track and...
Usain Bolt retained his Olympic title as the fastest man on the planet on Sunday August 5, 2012 Bolt ran the 100 meter final in an incredible 9.63 seconds and now holds the top 3 times in the world....
[Music] AIMEE MULLINS: I was consistently being told what I would never be able to do, never be able to have from a very early age and I always knew they were wrong. [Music] I probably...
"All we know is that, what happened this morning as you all know in the news media all over the world, and... basically, with Reeva I must just say that her future has been cut short, all her...
Final: Novice Double Sculls (226) City of Bristol RC bt (228) Gloucester RC Final: Senior Coxless Pairs (201) Nottingham RC bt (203) City of Bristol RC Final: Womens Intermediate 3 Double Sculls (253)...



Hi, my name is Shane Paul Neil with City Coach Multisport, and today I'll be talking about 3 tips to make you a better 400 meter runner. My first tip is that training for the 400 begins before...
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