This second video aims to describe, using practical examples, the types of financial flows from the official sector to developing countries included in DAC statistics. Official development assistance,...



Nice day. My name is Oscar Fabian Calero Montaño. I'm from Colombia and this is my video for the contest of youths of the OECD, by means of which intends the gestation of a new economic model...



Well, so who are the chronic poor and why is it important for a post-2015 agreement on sustainable development to think about the chronically poor? There are getting on to about half a billion people...



"We've made it plain that our mandate from the leaders was to consider everything, including a comprehensive agreement. I think everyone understands we certainly could reap the...



The OECD is very proud of its roots in the post-war period, when it grew out of the Marshall plan and reconstruction of Europe, when countries that agreed on how to build themselves back up again...



>> Hi, YouTube. My name is John Evans. I'm with the labor group here in Davos and the most important issue is how to begin to look at distributing the benefits of growth, uh,...
The OECD has been doing a lot of work on how do you train people in order to get the kind of jobs that are available in the early part of the 21st century. So this is an important issue, in part...



Here we're looking at a graph, two graphs, of world energy consumption in quadrillion Btu. On the left side we see OECD member status. That is, looking at countries in terms of whether...



I’m John Bangs. I’m Senior Consultant to Education International, with responsibility for working with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. I’m Chair of the Trade Union...
In this new world, where people from different countries and continents are so closely interconnected, a shift in the balance of one nation can immediately cause repercussions in others as what has...