Title: Republican Mayor Opposes Georgia's Anti-Immigration Law. Paul Bridges speaking: " I'm Paul Bridges and I'm the Mayor of Uvalda Georgia small town southeast...
last week uh... brock obama made headlines by announcing sort of a sweeping overhaul of how the countries in a deal with the young immigrants with people who brought the country young age um... and so...
sts to admit is not the only soon ruin the republican party that is having trouble dealing with the president's executive order we h allows for children of undocumented immigrants to uh......
>> >>: How did you find out this morning about the administration's decision to grant administrative relief? >> >>: I got text messages...
(Image Source: Newsy) BY FERDOUS AL-FARUQUE ANCHOR CHRISTINA HARTMAN Happy Father’s Day from Newsy. On Friday, President Obama announced an immigration-policy shift that would allow some illegal...
I remember saying to friend of mine some years ago on Wall Street how do you feel about the market and he said, I'm optimistic, and I said, then why do you look so worried, and he said because...
New York, USA governor pardons immigrants. Upon review of their applications and records, New York Governor David Paterson has offered pardons to 24 individuals who were due to be deported from the...
we there are one of our news for his legacy i think obama's got a good handle on that hot immigration in potentially a legacy it she but this is and it was a legacy they give talked about as...
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